Apexlands- idle tower defense [Money mod]
Containing the Countless Army of Evil
Apexlands- idle tower defense for Android is an addictive arcade strategy game made in the genre of tower defense and presented in the classic clicker format. Here you have to defend the territories and hold back the onslaught of the countless army of evil forces, use various tactics and strategies, take control of the warriors, and also start building a huge castle to protect your lands. Your little watchtower and one archer is all you'll have at the start of the game to keep the antagonists from taking over.
Resource management and tower development
You can download Apexlands- idle tower defense for free on Android and enjoy the addictive idle tower defense gameplay in clicker format. Many waves of enemies will attack your territories, but do not be afraid of defeat, as this is a unique experience that will help you discover the talent of a tactician and strategist, competently pump and improve the tower, develop warriors and oppose the forces of evil with a new plan. Your tower will be attacked by various types of enemies, each of them will have strengths and weaknesses, the antagonists came from different worlds and have unique characteristics. You have to make smart tactical decisions quickly and correctly, develop your tower and manage resources, increase the defensive qualities of the tower, use gold for upgrades, unlock new abilities and pay attention to the long term.
CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 133.89 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----