CarsBattle [Mod Money]
CarsBattle is a time killer with typical cubic graphics. After a gas cloud descended on the city, all the people began to go crazy. Cars have turned into weapons for Spirited Wonders of extermination, who are trying to make it better by attaching machine guns, grenade launchers and shotguns to them. In order to somehow survive in this madness, you have to adhere to the rules - run from the gas cloud, pick up weapons and destroy enemy cars before they destroy you. By earning money you can get new cars with a more durable body and better performance. An incredibly fun and dynamic game designed for fans of Wrecky Ball and other arcade games.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 51.83 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newAdded free coins buttonNow you can easily buy the car of your dreamsUpdate history -----
Fortune OX