Psychedelic Trip
Psychedelic Trip is a three-dimensional quest with shooter elements. A peaceful walk on a warm summer evening turned into a disaster for our hero. Having received a deafening blow, he comes to his senses already in the hospital, the only door of which leads outside and is closed. To survive and find out what happened, he goes to wander through narrow corridors and rooms, where he learns with horror that he has become a “lab rat” in the terrible experiments of the evil Doctor. A new psychotropic drug, Green Flare, is being tested on him, which occasionally causes hallucinations. In all this madness, you have to solve many puzzles, go through location after location in stealth mode, experience glitches and deal with psychos, staff and other enemies.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 196.36 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SuppoDoubLe Fortune rtNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----