Light of Ariel
Light of Ariel - 3D multiplayer role-playing game for android devices. Fantasy world Light of Ariel is a colorful MMORPG that will impress you with its elaborate fantasy game world, abundance interesting characters, stunning visuals, multiple battle modes and epic challenge arenas. The game features a free trade system, thanks to which you can buy or sell anything on theDragon Hatch market, exchange resources with other players and get valuable items. PvP battles in real time Epic PvP confrontations in real time are already waiting for you, here you are you can challenge other players, team up with like-minded people and join a guild, take part in epic battles and ea valuable rewards. You can also get flying mutants with unique characteristics and colorful appearance, visit the grandiose battlefields, appreciate the smooth animation, a well-developed game world and detailed graphics.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 895.95 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----