Rarura Quest is a great point and click quest. A boy, a girl and their beloved dog were walking through a magical forest. Suddenly, the dog was suddenly carried away by a huge bird, and with it the girl who was trying to save it. Now you need to save them, meet the boy and return home to a safe place. The game is a magnificent, amazing and magical quest in which you will find many mini-games and puzzles. You need to look for objects, find differences between Mermaid riches in different pictures, assemble puzzles and line up pipes, solve riddles and twists and turns of the plot. The design and music hint to us that the game was created specifically for children, but adults will also enjoy stretching their brains and feeling like they are in a wonderful forest with unusual flora and fauna. After complete installation, the game takes up more than 860 MB.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 133.64 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----